St Stephen's Primary School in Bradford and Kala Sangam, Bradford commisioned four artists to work with eight year groups to create artwork around the theme of healthly living. I was asked to work with year 1 and year 3 using constructed textiles. Above are some images of the planning stages.
Aims: To create a semi permanent piece of art work using the theme of healthy eating and exercise with each class to be completed and ready for display by the end of the day
Objectives: Each group will be given the opportunity to discuss what they understand about healthy living
Each group will be involved in creative activity, which looks at aspects of healthy living
Each child will have the opportunity to contribute to a class banner to be displayed at the end of the day in school assembly
Outline of workshop: The workshop is to last for two hours for each class. At the beginning of each session there will be an open discussion about health followed by drawing and then a demonstration of the materials that the children will use to create the banner. The technique I will be using is taken from appliqué. Usually in appliqué the shapes are sewn onto the backing fabric. As we are constrained by time and skills I will be using an open mesh fabric as the backing cloth so that the shapes can be tied on at the corners.
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